03 March 2011

Bad Day for Knitting

Yesterday, Wednesday, I took my knitting, picked up my daughter from school and then went to Burger King so she could have a play date. Now in my bag are lots of projects. A goddess knits cowl, a dishcloth and a prayer shawl that I have been working on to give to my friend, a nurse practitioner, who sometimes has to help a woman give birth to her dead baby. This prayer shawl would stay in her office until she needed it and then she would gift it to the patient. This is when tragedy struck...the prayer shawl fell out of my bag and landed behind the wheel of my car and then went across an area that people drive through and into the restaurant. I realized what had happened and I ran out to my car, collected my prayer shawl and as I am walking back towards the restaurant, someone is driving towards me. Now this person very kindly slowed down and waited for me to collect my yarn that trailed across the road and I was able to save my prayer shawl. I am grateful to that driver for not driving over my yarn. I am afraid of what would have happened if they had. I will, no doubt, wash it when it is finished and take a photo so everyone can see this prayer shawl that is definitely meant to be.

Now I need to go...I need to do some more knitting.

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