31 July 2010

The Best Laid Plans

I have been working on my projects in hopes to finish something, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Today, we were going to go to Kentucky to see a Horse Show that my friend's daughter was performing in, but DD2 woke up in a foul mood. She had one melt down over another. DD3 has been having a melt downs over silly things. DD1 is sneaking large scoops of sugar into already sweetened (not sweet just sweetened) tea.

I do have good friends because one friend and her mother saw a trampoline for sale at a yard sale and we were able to buy it!!! Yeah, we now have a trampoline. We don't have to get permission from the HOA to put up this backyard equipment and we can install it today and order the missing pieces (a mesh fence to go around the edges to keep the girls from falling through).

I found at the same yard sale a computer desk that I could bring home for use in the family room so that I can now have two girls on computer at one time. I just wish I didn't have to threaten them to get them off the computer (if I have to bodily remove you from computer you will not get any more time today).

I hope the girls crash tonight and get some good sleep because I will be alone with them tomorrow and I have altar care and do not want to deal with their bad attitudes. I guess we will see what happens tomorrow.

Have a good weekend. Maybe I can get some projects finished or closer to finished.

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