I discovered on Sunday, that a website that I go to often enough, called www.goodreads.com, is encouraging reading by having people choose how many books they can read in one year. Then it keeps a tally of how many you have read to date. I guess you could say I am cheating....but then I am reading the books. The books in question are the books my children are reading. As a result I am reading a lot of books in the Magic Tree House Series, the Junie B. Jones series and Level C readers. All of these are very fast reads and if I get close to my goal, I may have to change it! If you like to read, go to goodreads and join the challenge.
I took my youngest to McDonald's so she could have a playdate with her friends. She loves her McD's Mondays as we have come to call them. She eats lunch with her friends and the adults get to visit and have a good time together. We let the kids run and play and we all watch them. Our group seems to be growing and we need a whole section of the playland just for our group.
I finished some more dishcloths. I just keep working on them whenever I can, but these last few days just were not a time to work on them. I did get some work on one while at basketball games and driving to in-laws to celebrate.
Now for today, the third snow day of the school year. The girls loved it. I took them to Big Boy's for breakfast and then to Walmart (didn't want to go any farther) to get a new sled for the great outdoors and a new coat for my middle daughter. She has already outgrown her new coat that I just bought in October 2010. We slid into Walmart, fishtailing and praying. Thank God, we were safe and no one was following close behind us and there weren't that many people in there shopping.
The girls have been outside sled riding, throwing snowballs, attempting to build a snowman and making snow angels. They had so much fun. Now to the laundry I go. Have a safe day and enjoy the snow!
I miss sledding on snow days