05 November 2017

Time Change Needs to End

I don't like Daylight Savings. When I was a teen, I loved Falling Back, but I didn't like Springing Forward. Then I grew up, I got married, I had children, and animals all my own. Children and animals do not make this change easily. In fact, while the rest of the world was enjoying the sleep in, my cats are stomping on me, my dog is at the top of the stairs, singing about being outside. It is still dark and today, it is dreary. I have been up since (what used to be 6:50 a.m.) 5:50 a.m. trying to convince the animals that they need to sleep a little longer. They aren't listening to me. They are hungry and thirsty (freshwater snobs) and, in the case of the dog, want to go out to use the restroom. It will take us almost a month to readjust to the fall back and then, just as we are comfortable with the change, it will be time to spring forward. 

This was started during wars to help save energy and have more daylight during working hours, but now, these days, factories run around the clock and children are still standing out in the dark or in the case of younger children, coming home in the dark (some kids ride the bus for over an hour). It is time to stop the changing of the clocks. 

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