10 April 2013

Not Me!

I live in a house with 3 little girls, 1 husband (that I love dearly and owns his messes), 1 dog (who hides from hers) and 3 cats (who blame the dog). I try to keep a clean house (cleaning between homework and sleeping people), but get very frustrated when Not Me comes over.

Anyone old enough will remember a cartoon (found on the funny pages) called Family Circus. I loved those little kids. It was a family of about 3 or 4 kids, 1 dog and 2 parents. Whenever someone did something they knew they were not to do or did not want to get into trouble over, Not Me was present. Not Me was a terrible child (portrayed as a non-gender specific child) who was always to blame for messes and trouble caused.

Well, Not Me is in my house! I really want to send that kid on a trip to the moon! Who left the towels on the floor in a mess? Not Me! Who left these dishes laying around? Not Me!

Not Me needs to go home and not return to my house until he learns some manners!

My kids haven't yet figured out, that I am nicer when I hear the truth over a lie! Who left the towels on the floor? Answered by, "Me, and I am sorry." Would get well come help me clean this mess up. Not Me, gets, "When I find that kid, his butt is out of this house!"

My BIL and I were trading notes. He has one little girl, and when something goes missing or there is a mess, he asks, "A, where is my broom?" He usually hears, "I don't know." It would be frustrating to hear that all the time, but that Not Me Kid, is a rotten kid.

I guess we all have our own issues in life. I will keep Not Me and he gets his I Don't Know. But really, if anyone sees Not Me, would you let me know. I need to talk with his mom!

Vacation to the East Coast

We took our girls to Rockville, MD (a Metro ride to Washington, DC), to spend some time with their cousin (our niece) and my bil. The girls had the best time together. We stopped in Derry, PA where you can find the Hershey Chocolate Factory, the Hershey School (for under privileged children) and many other things.


Milton Hershey Statue with one of "his boys." Then we went on to Gettysburg, PA. For those who may not know American History, it is one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War and after the North won, President Lincoln came out to this field to make a speech (Fourscore and 7 years ago).
 Did you know that you can take a car tour?
 You go to the gift shop and get the CDs and play them while you drive from stop to stop and let the kids get out and run. On the way they learn some very interesting history.
 For instance, this was originally only set up to remember the Northern troops that fought. But as years went past some of the Southern troops were remembered.
 This site is seen from the top of a very big hill with lots of rocks!
When we finished looking at all the things we could see at Gettysburg, we continued on our journey and went to Rockville, MD. We spent Easter with my BIL and his girlfriend, their children and my DH's family (aka sisters, brother, father). It was a good time. My DH and I went out and got a couple of games to play with the children (it was a bit rainy outside) and we had a great time visiting with my BIL and his girlfriend and their children.
The next day, we took the Metro in Washington, DC. It was the time of the Cherry Blossom Festival, the Egg Roll on the White House Lawn (only for a few children).
There were only 2 trees seen blooming that day. But that was okay. We went to one of the Smithsonian Museums (Natural History) and walked all around. The girls really enjoyed riding the Metro and they loved the museum. They had fun.
The next day, we took the girls (plus 2) to the National Zoo (again by Metro).

We saw the Panda bears and we saw cheetahs. We saw some other animals, but due to time constraints and tired children, we didn't see very much. So we went back the next day.
We rode the Metro again. I really like the Metro. Less frustration than trying to drive through madhouse traffic and get to reduce mileage on my car and use less gas.
We saw many more animals and went through the Reptile House. This place you have to stand in line and have to be let into the house. We saw Gorillas, but they kept their backs to us. We saw the elephant house (they have Asian elephants).
It was a short visit, but a nice one and the kids had a blast. It was nice for my niece to have her cousins come to her house for a change.

09 April 2013

Reading List Update

A - Aesop's Fables (finished)
Around the World in Knitted Socks
Amigurumi World: Seriously Cute Crochet
A Deadly Yarn
American Sniper - Double Dip for the Military Reading Challenge
B - Band of Brothers (still working on it) This one counts in the Military Reading Challenge.
Big Book of Knitted Monsters
C - Circular Knitting Workshop
Cast On, Kill Off
D - Dyer Consequences
A Deadly Yarn (Almost Finished)
G - God Has Better Things to Do Than My Laundry.
Grimm's Fairy Tales.
I - I Funny by James Patterson.
I Love Knitting
J - The Joy of Sox.
K - Knit One, Kill Two.
Knitter's Book of Socks
Knits for Nerds
Knit Your Own Cat
Knit Your Own Dog
Knitting Into the Mystery
M - Maze Keepers.
Middle School Get Me Out of Here
Murder of a Bookstore Babe
N - Needled to Death.
Noah's Knits
Never Knit Your Man a Sweater
P - Prayer Shawl Companion
S - Sasha, Extraordinary Daschund
The Silence of the Llamas
T - 200 Hundred Crochet Blocks
U- Unraveled
Currently, I am still reading the Band of Brothers book (on my Kindle). I also borrowed (limited amount of time to read it) Banished (about a young woman who grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church). I started Moon Spinners (another knitting mystery book). I am reading Cooking with Hot Flashes (on the tablet).

I need to read a book for the letters: E, F, H, L, O, Q, R, V, W, X, Y, Z
I have not finished much in the knitting and crochet list, mostly because there wasn't much time. My DH and I took our girls to Derry, PA, Gettysberg, PA, Rockville, MD and Washington, DC for Spring Break. Girls had a blast. Tomorrow, I will share some of our photos from the trip. It was good to get away and see my BIL and his family. He is a great host and girls already miss him and his daughter.

Happy Belated Anniversary

On 1 April, I celebrated my 13th Anniversary with the most wonderful husband in the world!

In our 13 years, we have had 3 daughters together. We have had 4 cats (3 still with us) and one dog. It was a good day. We spent it with our girls and his brother and our neice and his brother's girlfriend and her kids. What a great way to celebrate a happy day.